Setting up consists of several stages: installing the OpenVPN client, getting and editing a configuration file, uploading the file to the router settings, customizing the connection priorities.

OpenVPN client and server

To set up OpenVPN it is obligatory to install the «OpenVPN client and server» system component:

1. Open your router’s web interface. To do that, open or in your browser.

2. Type your router’s web interface login and password (you may find them on the router’s back label stuck on the bottom panel of the device).

3. Go to «General settings».

4. Tap «Component options».

5. Find«OpenVPN client and server» and install it. During the installation process, your internet connection may temporarily disappear.

Setting up a configuration file

1. Get the .ovpn configuration file for the location you need from the your BlancVPN personal account:

  • Choose the location, then «Other protocols» → «OpenVPN». Download the file.

2. Open the file in any text editor app. You may use such apps as TextEdit, Windows Notepad or Notepad++. To do this, right-click on the file and choose «Open with» → your text editor.

3. Find the line auth-user-pass and delete it.

4. Instead of the deleted line, type your login and password. You have got them together with the configuration file: The first line (for example, blancvpn) is your login. The second line (for example, 4815162342) is your password.

<auth-user-pass> blancvpn 4815162342 </auth-user-pass>

5. Select the entire text (for example, by pressing Ctrl+A) and copy it (Ctrl+C).

Setting up VPN on Keenetic

Adding a VPN configuration:

1. Open your router’s web interface. To do that, open or in your browser.

2. Type your router’s web interface login and password (you may find them on the router’s back label stuck on the bottom panel of the device).

3. Go to «Other connections» → «VPN-connections».

4. Tap «Add connection».

5. Among «VPN Connection Settings» in the field «Type (protocol)» choose «OpenVPN».

6. Go to the «OpenVPN configuration» field and paste the previously copied text (Ctrl+V)

7. Tick «Obtain routes from the remote side» and «Use for accessing the internet».

8. Save the connection and turn it on.

Go to the «Connection priorities» page

Customizing VPN priorities for all connected devices

Like that, the VPN will work on all the devices connected to the Wi-Fi.

1. Go to «Connection priorities».

2. Move the VPN connection so that it is situated above the provider connection.

3. Save changes.

4. On the same page tap on «+Add policy».

5. Give it any name and tap on «ОК».

6. Add to the created policy your VPN connection only.

7. Save changes.

8. Go to «Policy bindings».

9. Add your devices, including the «Home segment», to the policy you have created.

10. Now you may turn the VPN connection on and off. To do that, toggle the switch on the «Other connections» → «VPN-connections» page accordingly.

11. When connected, check, whether your IP address has changed. To do this, open our website and check the panel on the top. Your new IP address and location are displayed there.

Customizing VPN priorities for certain devices

If you want only certain devices to be connected to the VPN, you may set up split tunneling for the connection priorities policy. For example, video game consoles and smartphones will be connected to the VPN, while other devices (like computers or NAS, downloading torrents) will be connected to the provider’s internet. To customize:

1. Go to «Connection priorities». For the «Default policy», leave the provider connection above the VPN connection.

2. In the VPN connection policy (the one created in step 4 previously), place VPN as a priority. If the provider connection is active, deactivate it.

3. Check the «Add new connections automatically» checkbox.

4. Go to «Policy bindings». Leave all the devices in the access policy for the «Default policy».

5. Add to a VPN connection policy the devices you want to be connected to the VPN. If a laptop is the only device connected to the VPN, the connection policy settings will look like this:

If you face any difficulty, please contact our support service. We are always here to help you!

  • Advice 1. If your router routes the traffic through a VPN, there is no need to connect separate devices to the VPN, when they are connected to the router.
  • Advice 2. If after the router’s VPN setting up some blocked websites still do not load, change the DNS connection to To do so, go to «Other connections» → «Show advanced settings». Choose the VPN connection, edit the «DNS 1» line, and save changes.

Why is internet speed slow when using a VPN on your router?OpenVPN is a protocol that has numerous requirements for its resources. When the VPN connection is active, the router’s MIPS processor perpetually encrypts and decrypts traffic. Apart from that, OpenVPN needs more storage than WireGuard, which is why even on flagman routers (including Keenetic Giga and Ultra) it may slow down the internet noticeably.If the delay is critical, we recommend connecting to the WireGuard protocol. It may be set up on Keenetic routers as well (guidelines).

Make sure BlancVPN is working

After setting up BlancVPN on your device, check if it's working correctly